Christine L'Abbe

CEO of Evolve Movement, Pediatric NeuroMovement Practitioner, Conscious Parenting Coach and Author

topic: Conscious Parenting: Nurturing Deeper Connections with Differently-Abled Children

about this speaker:

Christine L’Abbé is the CEO of Evolve Movement, an integrative, conscious and holistic network of support for families of neurodivergent children. She is also a Pediatric Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Practitioner, Conscious Parenting Coach, Professional Educator and the author of Our Superpowers: Celebrating Differently-Abled Kids and Their Siblings.

Because of her personal experiences as a parent to a daughter with Rett Syndrome, Christine is passionate about awakening others to the magnificence that lies in neurodivergent children, how they are meant to be supported and guided towards their innate potential, and how their presence leads us all to expand and uncover gifts within ourselves we never knew we had.

keypoints about our chat:

Discover the transformative essence of inner healing and conscious parenting in this captivating interview with Christine L’Abbe.

The Healing Journey: Christine emphasizes the profound importance of our own healing path. By finding alignment and practicing stillness, we unlock the ability to consciously connect with, attune to, and co-regulate with our kids. Witness the radical impact of inner work on how we perceive ourselves, our lives, and most importantly, our children.

Breaking Free from Limitations: Prepare to be empowered as Christine sheds light on breaking free from belief systems, conditioning, and inner child wounds. Embrace a game-changing perspective when parenting differently-abled kids, opening up a world of possibilities and growth.

Embracing Conscious Connection: Dive into the art of conscious parenting, fostering a profound bond with your child through understanding, empathy, and genuine connection. Christine’s insights will help you navigate the parenting journey with newfound clarity and grace.

Join us for this enlightening interview with Christine L’Abbe, and unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling and harmonious parenting experience.

free gift: The Fog That Keeps Us from Seeing Our Neurodivergent Children as Whole

Details: Step one to learning how to create an optimal environment for your children to step into their innate potential. For parents with neurodivergent children. From Genetic conditions to cerebral Palsy, to ASD, to ADHD, to learning difficulties and so forth. 

Learn how to lead your child towards their potential.

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ALL of this is what you’ll receive once you join us as a VIP!  I can’t wait to meet you, and give you all of these goodies!

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